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Bluetooth enabled android interface scales

  • User authentication user ID & password at server, IMEI unique code for supervisor.
  • Weight data auto entry in app through bluetooth.
  • No repeat entry.
  • ERP interface successfully done.
  • Everyday weight validation to ensure correct scale.
  • Auto calculation of total and average weight. Data posting done from filed, great time saver.
  • Supervisor operational control settings from server HO and branch configuration panel.

NLINE Mini Hanging

  • GPS enabled scales for line supervisors.
  • Very useful to get FCR, feed & bird stock report etc.
  • Bird stock report directly connected to get lifting schedules w.r.t. flock.

NPICK hanging & platform scale

  • Lifting GPS location traceability.
  • Vehicle & driver photo captured to show on server.
  • Digital signature on mobile posted on server.
  • Error count if birds removed without authentication.
  • Only stable weight captured.
  • Aborted weight noted but not counted.

NTAIL hanging scale

  • Shrinkage & mortality day end report.
  • Client closing balance amount with every delivery.
  • Retailer account ledger app free.
  • Maximum possible auto data entry and calculations increases efficiency.
  • Credit limit, paper & standard rate finalization from HO panel.

NRTAIL printer SS scale

  • Item name & rate, discounting changes can be done remotely through server.
  • Basic shop accounting is covered as stock, sale, purchase, wastage etc
  • Institutional (Hotel) client’s rates and ledger maintained automatically.
  • Kg, piece, liter sale with bill printing is done.
  • Water resistant, cockroach and rat protected.